Offline IT Hardware Manufacturer Activation Campaign


A roadshow sensitizing retailers on the benefits of stocking up on original Hewlett Packard (HP) Laptops and printers in Nigeria. This campaign comprised of a roadshow and opinion sampling at a popular IT hub (Computer Village) in Lagos, Nigeria. After this campaign, it was replicated in 4 other states across the federation.


Hewlett Packard had noticed a spike in the influx of fake HP laptops, printers etc from China and needed to get suppliers and the importers in the niche sensitized about the proper channels for getting in original pieces.


  1. We conducted a random sampling to understand where and how most of the big shops stocked up on their laptops, printers etc. The result showed a large percentage of them got these equipments from a popular IT equipment sales Hub located in Lagos, Nigeria. This gave us the first clue to where our campaign needed to be targeted.
  2. We then organized a 50-man workforce roadshow that had us distributing  and reading out questions on the questionnaire (because most of the traders/importers weren’t educated)  for the traders at the popular IT hub (Computer Village) in Lagos, Nigeria. These traders were then showed results from shops whom they had sold their fake HP laptops to and the fact  that most of those shops would not return to patronize them anymore and were open to buying directly from HP.
  3. Secondly, they were offered an opportunity to buy directly from HP in Nigeria since they were going to loose out completely. This was an opportunity they jumped on and the menace was curbed.


High advanced engagement – Hewlett Packard acquired 120 new dealers/retailers at the end of the RED campaign.