A Forex Trading Company Client Signup Campaign


The client reached out to us requesting that we assisst them get individuals who are willing to kick off their trading journey with just $5.


The real challenge we faced was the fact that Nigerians who had attempted trading before had lost their capital. This posed a serious problem because their stories have also discouraged other individuals who have never traded before. We needed to convince individuals from both categories while still targetting new users from our target niche.


We mapped out a strategy to onboard 1K plus users in 14 working days from 3 African countries. We started off by creating a localized video campaign. This was uploaded on YouTube and used in creating a targeted campaign to the select age-group using social media as our channel of choice.


The 14-day campaign period yielded huge results after a successful YouTube, Facebook and Instagram campaign was run. The campaign impressions were about 154,000 with 2,000 plus paid users converted for client.

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