A Fintech Company Agent Signup Campaign


There has been a need to reach unbanked Nigerians. More especially now that most fintechs who kick off with a promise of reaching the unbanked individuals in remote areas end up concentrating all their efforts in the urban areas and states once provisioned with their license.


Almost 80% of the fintech’s licensed by the CBN to reach the unbanked end up concentrating their business activities within the major cities rather than spreading out to the rural areas.


We mapped out a strategy to onboard 20,000 users in 6 months organically via an offline campaign across 15 states. We started off with a pilot test campaign in one of the states and gradually built up the numbers over the said period.
The campaign was two-pronged. It had both offline and online elements.
Offline: 2 of our inhouse staff were trained and they in turn trained 20 local ambassadors per state. These ambassadors were divided across the top 4 LGA’s per state with an emphasis on:
-Market Areas
-Business Districts
The offline campaigns generated over 6,000 installs after 2 weeks.

Online: An online campaign was targeted towards the state where the campaign train was at with targeted ads pushed to the same LGA’s. We got over 1,200 installs in 2 weeks.


Over 8,000 merchants and users were onboarded in the first month with 2k plus downloads. The second phase of the campaign has been initiated and the client has started turning over revenues in transactional value monthly.

P.R For Campaign
